Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions kindly check out answers below. If you do not find the answer you need contact Terry for motre clarification.

Here at Terry Skin, we recommend that you come in every four (4) weeks for optimal results.

All of our treatments directly address common skincare concerns of all skin types depending on each client’s skincare goals and needs.  Our personalized facials and high-quality skincare combined with our innovative technology will help keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Maintaining healthy, youthful, radiant skin is a reflection of you.  Our wide range of professional skin care products is available for purchase.  Our goal is to provide you with expert advice in maintaining your skin through healthier lifestyle choices, appropriate home care products, and preventative skincare treatments. 

Each facial appointment begins with a complimentary skincare consultation focusing on your current health, activity level, diet, and home care routine. You will then be recommended a customized facial based on your skincare goals and needs.

Terry can customize a facial to address certain skin issues you may be facing. Facials are good for all skin types and can be adapted to your needs.

A traditional facial treatment takes about 60 minutes to complete. Other treatments take approximately 15-30 mins on top of the traditional treatment. A combined treatment can provide better results if you have time for them.

Of Course! Facials are very beneficial for men too and can help reduce skin sensitivity from shaving as well as other concerns from lack of proper home skincare routines.  If you do suffer from sensitivity after shaving, it is recommended that you do not shave immediately before your facial, as this can lead to irritation. 

Contact Terry

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Everything you need to feel healthy and beautiful